Sales & Marketing

Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) + 24 More Amazon Ranking Factors

Do you want to know everything there is around Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR)? You are in the right place. In this guide, you’ll find out what Amazon BSR is, why it is important, as well as discover 24 more ranking factors that affect organic rankings on Amazon. So if you […]

How to Come Up With a Business Name in 8 Simple Steps (Updated)

BONUS TOOL: Use My Custom 'Business Name Checklist & Scoring System'

Browsing around /r/Entrepreneur and other entrepreneur communities I see that one roadblock many new entrepreneurs run into is picking a great name for their business. Name selection is often an overwhelming, frustrating, and exhausting experience. Exclusive Bonus: Download my custom ‘Business Name Checklist & Scoring System’ and use it to help […]